Our purpose ....

Koi-Hai now contains hundreds of pages of stories and pictures and has become an important collection of historical information and memories of people who worked in Assam and North East India. All the photos are pre 1970.

It has been created as a free service for those, irrespective of nationality, who lived and worked in North East India as in the Tea Industry, Ferry Service, Oil Industry, ITA Administration, ITA Research at Tocklai etc.

These resourceful people included Tea Planters, Engineers, Agronomists, Accountants, Scientists, Administrators, Aircraft Operators, Doctors, and Nurses, and many others.  These lucky people are now mainly retired and living in many parts of the world. It is hoped that this web site will offer a trip down memory lane and facilitate, communication between these people, their friends and family. Today there are a large number of children who were born in N. E. India and have a strong interest in the place of their birth. We hope to encourage that interest.   

David Air created and funded the site since it’s inception in 1999, and is delighted that Denys Shortt OBE, the son of the late Peter Shortt - Langharjan TE, offered to fund the expenses of the site and continue as Editor in loving memory of his father.

Our Facebook Group called Koi-Hai Tea Planters is very active - please join.

Ancestry in India ?  See our website for help on how to search. 

For contact please e-mail to our Editor Mr Denys Shortt :  [email protected]


To join our facebook group - CLICK HERE


Koi-Hai the history of British tea planters from Assam and North East India