

Peter Byrne is asking for help and tells us;


Some time back I published a book called GONE ARE THE DAYS,  the subject of which was big game hunting-mainly tigers-in India, from the days of the Raj to the 1970s, when tiger hunting came to an end.  Writing the book included in-depth research into records of big tiger trophies and an interesting discovery was that the largest tiger ever collected may have been shot by the wife of a tea planter. 

I found the story of the hunt in an Indian newspaper of the period-The Pioneer-which gave the lady's name as Mrs. Laurie Johnson. The location of the shoot-a Sunday morning beat-was the Dooars-hence the possibility that she was a planter's wife. 

The huge cat measured 12 ft 6 ins with the length certified by two senior British officials immediately after the hunt. The time of the hunt was the late twenties, possibly around 1928 and another Indian periodical, which I am unable to find-The Asian-may have published photographs.

Can anyone help....with some more information on Mrs. Johnson, and the Asian feature?   

 Peter's Email is [email protected]