Rugby now has it's own page of memories
Soccer at Digboi around 1961
All india rugby 1959
Tournament 1966
A Lament by Planters
Foreign Coaches for State Rugby
FEBRUARY 15 2015
Malcolm Geary had been browsing through the koi-Hai web site and spotted Assma soccer and recalled that he had a coupleof newspaper cuttings from the DIGBOI BATORI around 1961. The chaps I recognise are John Vauqulin, Dave Kennedy, Mo Wheatcroft, Peter Bartlett, yours truly. Glad to report England won - even after a Gurkha piper marched round the pitch at half time to inspire the Scots. --thank you Malcolm
Here are the photographs of the International between Scotland and England played about 1961
We are looking for names, and if anyone can help, the Editor would be delighted
The Kick Off

This lady who made the kick off was Mrs W.P.G. Maclachlan the wife of the Digboi Boss

The Scottish Team
Back Row L to R) 1, 2, 3, Mrs Maclachlan, 5, 6
Front Row (L to R) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Bob Muir 6
 The English Team
Back Row (L to R) 1John Vauqulin, 2 Malcolm Geary, 3Roby Robinson, Mrs Maclachlan, 5 Mo Wheatcroft, 6, 7
Front Row (L to R) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
July 2002 All India Rugby Tournament Winners 1959
The Assam Team

Back row; Dennis Sharp, Colin Bell, Mike Sparks, Dick Hagan, Martin Van Oppen, John Thyne, Ken Home, Cethin Davies, Ian Ross, Duncan Hay
Second row; Neil Coombes, Not Known, Dinger Bell, Peter Vauqulin, Jock Lees, Jack Vauqulin, Jimmie Bain
Front row; Loudon Barras, Jock Richardson Hay, Mike Dawkins, Peter Warren,
The photograph was sent in by Neil Coombes, Thank you Neil,
There are now only two unknowns , thanks to help from various attenders at the Eastbourne lunch and Jim Thomas whom I met later If anyone else can help to complete the names it would be appreciated __________________________________ The missing names are second from left on the front row and the middle row
The team will remember the raucous dinner we all enjoyed at the TollyGunge Golf Club when chops were thrown.
If anyone can help to identify the "Not Knowns" please send by
e-mail either to Neil Coombes
[email protected]
or to [email protected]
It was a long time ago we know, but one of the objectives of the koi hai website is to extend memory lane, so if anyone has comments on the famous Assam win, we'd love to hear them
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September 10 2008
More Rugby bits of memorabilia to enjoy
Identities will be forthcoming
 Number Two |
 Number Three |
 Number Four |
Number Five |
Number Six |
Number Seven |
Number Eight |
Number Nine |
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August 15 2008 Thanks to David Rushton, Peter Bartlett, Terry O'Malley and John Thyne the photographs of Rugby Tours of the 60's have been unearthed.
They are of the Madras 1963 rugby tour and Ceylon 1964 Tour
The All India Rugby Tournament Madras 1963

*************************************************************** Ceylon 1964

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A PRODUCT OF N.E. INDIA IN THE 50 It has been kindly supplied by Ranga Bedi
PLANTERS LAMENT Composed by Rugby Players in Dooars around 1950
I was walking the streets with a nonchalant air, My trousers were tattered, my bottom was bare, I looked up and saw an advert for tea, And I said to myself "that's the job just for me"!.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
I packed up my bags and to London did go, The Directors they quizzed me as to what I did know, I said I knew nothing, they said that's just grand, There are plenty like you in that far distant land.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
They booked me a passage, I took to the sea, How proudly I boasted I was going to tea, But sadly my boast was reduced to a mutter. When I ended up in that hole called Calcutta.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
The agency house gave me all of their best I took it all in and was highly impressed They sent me off on that long winding trail The plane took two hours but they sent me by rail.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
I ended up after three days and three nights, When I got there looked around at the sights, What I saw then filled my heart with dismay, But I couldn't turn back cos the train pulled away.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
They gave me a bungalow and four weeks back pay, The place was all barren and in a state of decay, "That's nothing" my manager he said to me, "No punkas, no fridges when I came to tea".
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
They put me out planting next morning at five, Awaiting the labour and plants to arrive, The babu came up and showed me what to do, But I Just f__d about like I already knew.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
After six months they put me in the factory, The machinery there was completely refractory, The rain came through the roof and made holes in the floor, And the driers were all made in 1904.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
Around the clock the factory did run Working hours they said were fun Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners were my respite I could take a nap but not at night.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
With a growling Burra Sahib here, a Burra Babu there and Karani Babu who would only swear The Chota Sahib was in the land of no-where in the land of no-where.
Kai se hai etc - there's no blooming future for him, you or I.
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November 27 2008
This was kindly forwarded by Ali Zaman from a Newspaper cutting from the Assam Tribune
Foreign coaches for State rugby team
Assam Tribune CORRESPONDENT GUWAHATI, Nov 26 - World-class coach from Rugby superpowers New Zealand and Fizi are being roped in by the Assam Rugby Association (ARA) to facilitate the campaign of ensuring berth for the local players in the Indian squad for the ensuing Common Wealth Games to be played at New Delhi besides preparing the State team for national championship scheduled to be played in Guwahati from January 15.
The coaches will come under the banner of Indian Rugby Federation, which is giving special attention to the North East India as far as preparing the national squad for the 2010 Common Wealth Games is concerned. This was informed by Kula Saikia, president, ARA, while talking to The Assam Tribune during the ongoing training camp being organized at the SAI Field.
The training camp, which started on November 20, is being organized after selecting as many as 20 State Rugby team prospects from various parts of the State including places like Barama, Tengaghat, Baksa, Titabor and Karbi Anglong amongst others. The camp has been organized in view of the ensuing National Rugby Championship, which begins on January 15 at Guwahati. The 10-day training camp is also likely to be extended.
"Since Rugby is a game of skill, strategy and speed, we believe, the new entrants would be hugely benefited by the camp," Saikia said. "We are also hopeful that boys from Assam would make the cut for the national squad if they continue with the hard work," Saikia pointed out, adding, "The Association is planning to introduce demonstration games for Rugby in schools and colleges across the State to generate interest for the game."
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