Dominy Family

February 22 2014
The Dominy Family


This ‘Memory’ is the story of life in the late 19th and 20th centuries in North-Eastern India as experienced by the Dominy Family from Devon. These chapters tell the story of the youngest daughter of the family, Annetta, who married into the Young family, and the photographs, letters and memoir of her and her only child Teddy give a rich picture of their lives around the tea estates in the hills of Bengal, as well as further afield in Simla and England

Sharyn Arthur                      2014                              ([email protected])


                                           Teddy Young

                Temi Tea Estate, Sikkim'


Below are the sections of the book available for your enjoyment. 

Click on each to open in Adobe Acrobat Format.

Click Here for Section 1

Click Here for Section 2

Click Here for Section 3

Click Here for Section 4

Click Here for Section 5

Click Here for Section 6

Click Here for Section 7

Click Here for Section 8

Click Here for Section 9

Click Here for Section 10

Click Here for Section 11

Click Here for Section 12

Click Here for Section 13

Click Here for Section 14

Click Here for Section 15

Click Here for Section 16

Click Here for Section 17

Click Here for Section 18