The 2023 Junior Koi Hai Reunion lunch will again be held at the Double Tree by Hilton in Cheltenham on Saturday 14th October 2023. We had a great attendance at the 2022 reunion lunch and we hope even more of you will join us this year.
The Junior Koi Hai group has been running for several years now and was formed to maintain contact and friendship between the children of those who were associated in any way with the tea industry in North East India (Assam, Dooars and Darjeeling). We extend a warm welcome to anyone from the senior Assam Koi Hai group who might also wish to join us.
The event starts at 11.30, with drinks, followed by a three course lunch at 1pm (with a bottle of red and white wine per table) and coffee. The cost per head is £41.00 per person.
We kindly ask you to let Sadie know by email whether you will be attending, confirm how many of you are coming and also whether you will be making payment by cheque or bank transfer. Please can you email Sadie ([email protected]) and make your payment by 1st August 2023, at the very latest.
Electronic payment would be preferable (if you would kindly put your name in the reference box when making the transfer) Sort code: 30-90-28 / Account number: 02012228. Alternatively, if writing a cheque would be more convenient, please make cheques payable to: Junior Koi Hai Reunion A/C and send to Sadie Lund, ‘Ryecroft’ 25, Manor Park Road, Glossop SK13 7SQ.
Reply to - Sadie Lund
[email protected] |