2009 Report, Attendees and Pictures


May 12 2009
       Eastbourne Reunion Lunch   
April 21st 2009

We have to thank David Kincaid, Maxine Humphries, Guy Knight, Peter Bartlett, and Barbara Marshall for their photographs 

Click Here to see the pictures.  Click on each picture to make it larger and click again to return to the selections.            


                                  Chairman Dacre Mogg's report of 
                                                  Assam Reunion 2009

                                                          21st April 09

This year 80 attended the reunion and althought the numbers were down on previous years, mainly due to last minute cancellations, the day was most enjoyable. 

We were all delighted to see Holly Scallon back after two years absence due to ill health, looking well and in good form.

Dacre took the opportunity to ask everyone to join him in a vote of thanks to Mike and Cathy Courtney for all their efforts over the past nine years in successfully organising the functions.

Appreciation was also shown of the valued contributions made by David Air in maintaining the Koi-Hai website, Clive Roberson who keeps the Koi-Hai directory and publishes the newsletters and David Kincaid who spent most of the lunchtime taking photographs.

We were saddened to hear of the unexpected loss of Jean Dodwell, also Mary Stoneman, Matt Stuart and Barbara McCarthy. Our sympathy goes to their families.

Mention was made of the younger people who attended the gathering and the hope that this would be a continuing and growing feature of future reunions.

Sue Paisley with her husband Johnny having just returned from a trip to India spoke of their visit to Assam and displayed the photographs they had taken on a laptop computer.

David Charles Manners whose ancestor was one of the very early planters in Assam gave a short talk about his new novel "In The Shadow Of Crows" and his work with the charity Sarvashubhamkara from his home in Kalimpong where he spends half of each year.

The date for next year's reunion has been set for Tuesday 27th April 2010.


                         List of Attendees

     at Eastbourne on Tuesday 21 April 2009

Name                                                  Agency             
AMY,  Bob & Sarah                                            Jokai          
BARTLETT, Peter &Merle                        James Warren
BABER,  Ken &Elizabeth                      Williamson Magor
BAYLEY,  Phil & Jennifer                      Williamson Magor
BROWN,  Roderick & Janine                     Goodrickes
CHAMBERS, Patrick                                        Jokai     
CHARLIER,  Bill & Lois                                  Assam Co
COURTNEY Mike & Kathy                                   ITA
COURTNEY,  Shareen                                          ITA
Daly Jo (Nee Knight)                                     James Warren
DAVIES Cethin & Isobel                        Jorehaute Tea Co
DUNLOP, Bruce                                         James Warren
DUNLOP, Neil & Georgina                       James Warren
EYTON-JONES David & Gerald           Williamson Magor
FARBROTHER, Pamela                           Assam Frontier
FEATHERSTONHAUGH Finn & Jess       Assam Co
FLETCHER, Adele (Nee Leetham)                Assam Co
FOSTER, Eleanor & Jimmy                             Jokai     
GARDINER, Ann                                         Assam Frontier
GRAYSTONE, Mike & Judy                      McNeil & Barry 
HANDA, Pran & Margareta                        Singlo Tea Co
HEMBRY, Kim & Digby                            Williamson Magor
HUMPHRIES, Maxine & Robin                 James Warren
JOHNSON, Babs                                         James Warren
KINCAID, David & Kim                             Jorehaute Tea Co
KNIGHT, Wendy                                           James Warren
KNIGHT, Nick                                                James Warren
KNIGHT, Guy                                                 James Warren
LANE, Alan & Jacqueline                           McNeil & Barry    
LEETHAM, Ian                                                  Assam Co
LLOYD-JENKINS,(nee Eyton-Jones)          Williamson Magor
MARSHALL, Barbra                                     Williamson Magor
MELLING, Stanley & Caroline                         Gillanders
MOGG, Dacre                                                Jorehaute Tea Co
PAISLEY, Johnny & Sue
PATEL, Jacqueline                                      Williamson Magor
PATERSON, Stella & Angela                           Jardines
POOLE, Tom & Katie                                         Assam Co
ROBERSON, Clive & Caroline                         Jardines
ROBINSON, Jill                                                Balmer Lawrie
ROSS, Ian & Judy                                         Williamson Magor
ROSS, Michael & Marcia                             Williamson Magor
RUSHTON, David                                                  Jardines
SCALLON , Holly                                                   Jardines
SOMERVILLE, David                                      McNeil & Barry    
THYNE, John & Anne                                     Balmer Lawrie
VAN OPPEN, Martin & Cilla                                    Jokai     
WHITE , Patricia                                                      Jardines
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 View pictures below, click on each picture to make larger then click on the large image to return to the list.

Bill and Lois Charlier

Shareen Courtney and Isobel Davies

Our chairman Dacre Mogg

Robin and Maxine Humphries

Wendy Knight

Jennifer Bayley

Ann Gardiner and Katie Poole

Mike Graystone, David Somerville, Judy Graystone, Michael Ross

Tom Poole

Cethin Davies and in foreground Mike Courtney

Babs Johnson and Cethin Davies

Martin Van Oppen and Sarah Amy (nee Chambers)

Robin Humphries, Digby Hembry, and Finn Featherstonhaugh

Maxine Humphries

Kim Hembry

Judy Ross and Pamela Farbrother

Petter Bartlett and Pran Handa

Caroline Melling, Ian Ross, and Stanley Melling

Patricia White (nee Scallon) and Holly Scallon

Don't Know and David Manners

Mike Courtney, Katie Poole, and Ian Leetham

Kathy Courtney, Tom Poole, and Jill Robinson

Wendy Knight, Lois Charlier, Ann Gardiner and Bill Charlier

Facing camera L to R Shareen Courtney, Neil Dunlop, Tina Lloyd-Jenkins

Gerald Eyton-Jones, Adele Fletcher (nee Leetham) and Guy Knight

Jacqueline Patel (nee Ross) Neil Dunlop, Nocolette Kenning (nee Dunlop)

David Rushton, Caroline Roberson, Ken Baber, and Elizabeth Baber

Judy Maconochie, Clive Roberson, and Kim Hembry

Digby Hembry, and Judy Maconochie

Ian Ross and Pamela Farbrother

Barbra Marshall and Merle Bartlett

Judy and Finn Featherstonhaugh

Marcia Ross and David Somerville

Sue and Johnny Paisley

Anne Thyne and Patrick Chambers

Sarah Amy and Martin Van Oppen

Bob Amy, Cilla van Oppen, and John Thyne

Caroline Melling, Stanley Melling, and Alan Lane

Pran Handa, Jackie Lane, and Margareta Handa

Eleanor Foster, Roderick Brown, and Jimmy Foster

Betty Mackenzie and Angela Paterson

D.K Janine Brown and Roderick Brown

Patricia White and Holly Scallon

Foreground: Isobel Davies and Mike Graystone

Babs Johnson and Dacre Mogg

Judy Graystone and Kim Kincaid

Cethin Davies

Babs Johnson

Holly Scallon

Michael Ross and David Eyton-Jones

Jacqueline Lane

Kim Kincaid

Judy Graystone