Report on Assam Reunion 2011
19th April 2011
On a quite lovely spring day Dacre welcomed everyone to this year's reunion.
After the problems of travel last year numbers had improved. In fact 96 had sent acceptances but last minute illness and other unavoidable matters had reduced the final number of attendees to 82.
The growing number of younger generation attendees was welcomed and the efforts of Shareen Courtney and Nicky Kenning in contacting "youngsters" received a well merited round of applause.
Dacre said he had been contacted by several other younger generation members who wished too make more regular contact with friends from their days in Assam and India and attend future reunions. To this end Dacre indicated he would look to ways of formalising an email communication specifically for this purpose ideally, if possible, as a closed blog for the younger generation within the Koi - Hai website.
A list of those who could not attend but sent their good wishes to those present was read out and included David and Cynthia Air, Dadu and Deepa Quader, Stanley Melling, Mark and Paul Bullock, Peter and Merle Bartlett, Babs Johnson and Colin Jackson.
Sadly the following deaths had been reported during the last 12 months: Roger Baker, Ramesh Jaitly, Richard Knights, Stella Paterson, Gordon Simpson, Frank Wilson, Mrs Ingram, Jim Jordan and John Oliver. Our thoughts were with their families and friends.
The meeting recorded its thanks to Clive Roberson for the twice yearly newsletter, David Air for all his work with the Koi-Hai web site and David Kincaid for spending much of the lunch period photographing attendees.
Thanks were accorded to The Hydro hotel for the excellent arrangements and service the reunion had received.
Next year's Assam Reunion was arranged for Tuesday 17th April 2012.